Tuesday, January 24, 2006


It is Kimberley. Welcome back to our class blog. Today is our Compass Rose Meeting which is when our parents come to our school and see all of the work we have done, and tonight the Adventurers class is going to present our speeches on what our dream is. It is based on Martin Luther Kng, Jr's speech.

Well, this is our logout for today

Mr. Hatcher: getting a new computer
Armand: Math
Zack: Computer
Dylan: Making Martin Luther King, Jr book and preparing for Compass Rose Meeting
Aleah: Making Martin Luther King, Jr book and computer
Meredith: Math test
Mori: Math test and computer
Martin: Martin Luther King, Jr book
Teresa: Searching penguins
Kim: Making Maartin Luther King, Jr book and prcticing speech
Quinn: Martin Luther King, Jr book
Lauren: Computer lab and making Martin Luther King, jr book
Davalynn: Making Marrtin Luther King, Jr book and practicing speech


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